Hello there! Thank you for seeking out additional information about me. I'll try to keep this brief but entertaining. I have been in some sort of customer service role for over 10 years now. At the end of 2018 I found myself looking at a fork in the road. I was laid off but with enough severance to make a choice. Was I to enter back into the world of customer service which I was familiar with but did not love or to search for something new?
Enter in Eleven Fifty Academy. I had never coded in my life. Not once. Not even to upgrade my MySpace! I had only dabbled in some data management in a previous position. I knew I wanted something different and I felt Eleven Fifty could offer that. Turns out they could offer a lot. After finishing the Software Development program I found my way into an instructors assistant position. It was only meant to be a stepping stone into something bigger, but I fell in love with teaching. I pursued the path to becoming an instructor right away. Over a year later I am now a staff instructor! While in that role I am also going through the Pathfinder program with Salesforce. It has been a wild journey that I am still happily on.
Now that you know a little about me, please explore the page more! You will find projects I have worked on, a resume to download, and links to other platforms for additional information.